P.O.C.K.E.T. -Tools

PersOnalized teaChing: the Key to success in EducaTion –Tools


  • combating early school leaving and academic failure by personalised learning
  • raising basic competence levels, thereby also improving standard exam performance
  • offering schooling which enhances personal traits, by favouring collaboration and communication between teachers and students, among students themselves (through peer education and tutoring) and within functional school bodies in order to build a learning community, improve human relationships and counter early school leaving, demotivation and lack of success
  • creating and consolidating networks, increasing cooperation within the European Union, sharing and comparing ideas, methods and practices


  • planning graded learning modules, including e-learning formats, allowing each pupil the freedom to develop personal intellectual skills
  • setting up remedial work which will make up for any academic deficiencies at the beginning of a course, as prevention against early school leaving and lack of success
  • training teachers to use innovative teaching methods

POCKET involves at least 20 students aged 14 or 15, at least half of which are characterised either by learning difficulties or poor academic performance, 3 teachers and 1 head teacher per partner, whose aim is to complete 3 activities:

Action 1 – “Learning difficulties and personalised learning”: applying mastery learning in personalised learning strategies by checking initial skills in order to bring weaker students up to standard. At least 3 learning units will be created using mastery learning and peer tutoring methodology.

Action 2 – “Basic competences and standard exam formats”: students’ basic logical-mathematical and literacy competences as well as interdisciplinary proficiency will be focused on, using problem and inquiry-based learning, cooperative learning, interdisciplinarity and workshops.

Action 3 – “Academic excellence and personalisation: planning graded learning modules in e-learning”: by means of personalised e-learning techniques, IWT (Intelligent Web Teacher platform) and the flipped classroom model the most brilliant and talented students are empowered. The team of international teachers will design at least one Learning Object in Mathematics, Science, English, Spanish and a native language.

Once the activities have ended, the anticipated tangible results will be evidenced by material output and learning outcomes, which all partners are expected to attain. They have been reduced to a bare minimum, in keeping with the individualisation/personalisation of teaching/learning, yet without hindering more ambitious, higher achievements. Besides communication tools such as websites, Twinspace, social media and printed material, these tangible results will consist of at least 3 learning units created with the aid of mastery learning and at least 1 graded learning module based on personalised teaching principles in Mathematics, Science, a native language, English and Spanish, created in OER format through the IWT e-learning platform and uploaded to the European Dissemination Platform. Intangible results refer to hard and soft competences acquired by target groups (pupils, teachers and school institutions) which will produce long-term benefits.


Project code: 2016-1-IT02-KA219-024220

Países Parceiros: Itália - (País Coordenador), Espanha (Ilhas Canárias), Malta, Holanda, Hungria, Turquia

Coordenadora: Isabel Costa

Período: 01/09/2016 - 31/10/2018

Website: http://pockettools.weebly.com/